Wednesday, October 29, 2008

It's about time!

No I haven’t forgotten about this already, things just have just been fairly crazy. Between moving up to Michigan and driving back and forth every weekend, last weekend being my birthday!!! Which was a very fun weekend but, we will coming back to that in a short bit. Life seems to be moving at super speed, and yet at times it almost slower than a slug. If you are a reader of my sis Dee, you already know some of the things going on, with both my family and me.
First off me, and the Mrs. B2B (Bubba-to-be :-) ) are in the midst of planning a wedding, not to mention we are both part of my other sisters wedding. This weekend we are even going to register, I hope it is fun, I think it should be. Wedding planning is going well thus far, anyone we talk to when they ask how the planning is going and we give them the run down of what we have done they tell us that we are on top of things, hopefully this will stay that way, that is our goal.
The whole living in Mi. thing, I am sure some of you may be thinking, why would I move to another state when I am planning a wedding less than a year away, simple, the money. I get per diem, $132 a day, tax free, for working up here, which added up is much nice than my normal salary, which I still get as well. Plus they are paying for me to be driving a rental car, and my truck has not been the most reliable or most gas efficient, so this is another blessing. However even with all this, there still comes some extra stress, being away from everyone, friends, family and Mrs. B2B. And there are some other things that maybe I will talk about on another post, don’t want to do to much at once.
I guess before I rap this up I should talk about my birthday for just a second, unlike my sister who thinks she should have a whole month for her birthday :-P I just had a simple Saturday, though I do plan to do dinner with the whole family this coming Saturday, to celebrate I believe both mine, and my fathers birthday.
Last Saturday started with Mrs. B2B making me breakfast, followed by a walk. As we walked we realized the time, and we had to return the rental car and pick up the new one.

After that we went to the duck pond and a walk in the park, however we forgot my camera so we decided we would have to come back with it later. After this we went back to her house where she made some delicious Grilled cheese and tomato soup. And I am not kidding when I say it was absolutely delicious! Then we went off to my parent’s house, needing to get some stuff for this week, like a coat, and to see Maverick.

Then we went back to the duck pond and the park to take some pictures.

After this went out to one of my favorite places, Texas Roadhouse for a great steak dinner. And ended the evening with just relaxing on the couch watching a movie, All in all, a great birthday.

I love that girl! (and our cat)


DeeMarie said...

Didn't know we were doing dinner on Saturday. I guess I'll cancel my plans! ;) You're worth it though.
You only wish you could have a birthday month like me!!!

hixenhill said...

Shouldn't it be Miss B2B, since she's not yet married ;-)

I think it's good you're doing this Michigan thing, Bubba, not just for the money. Just think how great it will be after your married having gone through this pseudo-separation. It'll just make it better.

Bubba said...

Glad i could enlighten you Dee, not sure if mom has told anyone else yet either.

The "Mrs." is part of the to-be name :-)
Yea, the Michigan thing i think is nice in a lot of ways, and there is more to it that i will probably talk about a little later. You will have to keep reading to find out ;-)

Unknown said...

Bout time you posted something. You don't call, you don't write, you don't visit.

And I wasn't aware of dinner on Saturday either. Hope the Gator game is over or I will have a boycott on my hands :)

Hope you're having a good week. Love you

DeeMarie said...

Hey. I gave you an award. Who's the favorite now?!?!?! ;)